Home Purchase Loan in Nanaimo, BC
When considering a home purchase, keep in mind that there is an ever-changing landscape of home financing. There are constant updates and changes made to the rules around purchasing a home. If you have purchased a house in the past, chances are that guidelines have changed since then.
There are so many forces that regulate and control mortgage approval guidelines in Canada. The Canadian Minister of Finance changes the backdrop of lending rules depending on the state of the country’s overall housing market. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) regulates and supervises financial institutions in Canada and reports to Parliament through the Minister of Finance. Each one of the 3 big Mortgage Insurance companies - CMHC, Genworth and Canada Guarantee – has their own set of approval guidelines that differ from each other. And finally, each individual Canadian mortgage lender, following the structure set out for them by the bodies above, has different approval policies and guidelines for their various products. And all of the aforementioned institutions update and change their policies and rules frequently! It’s completely understandable if you’re confused. But don’t worry – we’re not.
As the guidelines evolve and shift, our job is to explain everything to you in terms you will understand.
We stay current on all changes that might affect you and take away the burden of dealing with all of the background noise.
After one meeting with one of our mortgage specialists, via phone or face to face, we will ensure you walk away understanding your position for your purchase.